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This game's actually pretty fun, and while the mechanics are pretty simple they are also pretty deep in their strategy. I can easily see how this could become a great game with the features you're developing right now!

That being said, I had a few issues, mainly for me it was the mouse controls, which I found to be a bit unintuitive. My problem was that I clicked on an island to select that island, but the selection doesn't reset so I accidentally sent other island's planes too, quite a few times.

Other than that the random level generation could be cool, but I got put in a pretty unfair spot at the start of one round and died pretty quickly, which sucked because it didn't feel like I could do much about it. And on another round I got put in a really good position and felt a bit bored. But that's balancing, which you're going to address anyway.

Anyway, aside from that I really like the art and sound, menu was a bit loud, but a good game over all. Wish you luck for this project!

(1 edit)

Thanks! I'm glad you like it.

My thinking is to keep it as simple as possible while allowing for greater depth of strategy. There're some more wrinkles coming to make it even deeper.

Thanks for the input on the mouse controls. I actually had it so that when you sent planes to an enemy it deselected your islands, but I found a few issues with how that works. I implemented the A and S buttons to select and deselect all, to solve that, but I can see what you're saying. I'll take another look at that for a future version.

Completely agree on the randomness having pros and cons. The next update will balance the gameplay a bit more, so that it's not possible to be dropped into an unwinnable situation.

Agree on the audio also! I've actually already lowered the volume in the next version.


actually very nice, having it be fully randomized make it really hard to have a direct answer on how to win, very simple and quick to play

but the blue seems to be pacifist, they just wait in the first island with max troop, only sending planes when only them and the player are left


Thanks! Glad you like it! And all very good points!

The random levels give a good challenge, sometimes you can start ahead, other times the enemy has the advantage. I'll be adding some challenge stages soon as well, that are hand built to add some variety with an increasing difficulty.

The enemy AI is pretty basic at the moment, I'm glad you spotted the pacifist blue team! That was actually a bug, but in play testing it gave them some personality, so I left it in.

Thanks for your feedback!